Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Barcelona Part 2 (Sagrada Familia)

After making my way down the hill, I was starting to get a bit tired, so I grabbed a burger and coffee and headed for the metro.

On good advice I visited the Sagrada Familia by Gaudi. Take a look:

The Sagrada Familia has two sides, a facade on each,

This is the Nativity Facade:

God Bless the Shepards.

All pretty nice, until you get to the Roman Soldiers

Then...there's the Passion Facade:

Can't get much more Goth than that, no matter how black your eyeliner is...

...and that was what I saw in Barcelona. I figured I could try and race through the town seeing everything that I could, or I could see two major things and spend my time devoted to them. I think I made the right choice.

Will update on the trip to Madrid tomorrow.


Al said...

OMG, are those dead BABIES at the feet of the roman soldiers?!

Justin March said...

Yes, I believe they are...

...if I remember right, it was under Herod's orders.

Anonymous said...

you do remember right. so was that a church? freaking sweet architecture!

Justin March said...

Yeah...sorry, I didn't really explain it. I don't know much about architecture, so please excuse anything that I mis-explain, but it is a Neo-Gothic Cathedral, designed by Antoni Gaudi. It was started in 1882 and is scheduled for completion in, get this, 2026.

Anonymous said...

What!? that is CRAZY!!!

Not counting Lay-overs.