Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Barcelona Part 1 (Montjuic)

Waking up in complete confusion as to where you are is not the greatest way to start of your day, I assure you…but it got better in a hurry: the ear had equalized and the bed was as comfortable as the one I slept in at the Watergate Hotel in D.C. (which was a LOT more expensive and had pretty much been the benchmark for comfortable beds in my mind).

Getting an decently early start (considering how hard I had traveled the day before) I left the hostel and struck out to see Barcelona…the city so amazing, Freddie Mercury wrote a song about it.

First was the business: get to Sants train station, active the Eurail Pass we got for the trip, reserve my seat for the train to Madrid leaving at 10:00 that night, and ditch my bags. After that was taken care of, I struck out.

My handy-dandy little fold-out map (yeah I bought one – so what) showed a large park on top of a mountain with a castle and all kinds of other stuff on it south of where I was called Montjuic. This seemed like a good enough place as any to start my twelve hours in Barcelona. I struck south. (By the way, if you’re going to travel, especially in the older cities of Europe, bring a compass.)

I realized that I hadn’t eaten since the apple I had had before I boarded the plane in London, and stopped at the first place I saw that I could afford. A little pizza shop that was completely unoccupied. After I narrowly avoided buying a whole pizza with my limited use of the word “uno” (I meant one slice, he wanted to sell the whole pizza), I continued toward wherever I was heading (south I guess).

After a five minute walk I found this:

Barcelona Plaza

...and this:

The National Art Museum (Front)

The National Art Museum (Back)

A little short on the Euro for right now, so I moved on to see what else I could see, but before I did that I marveled at the view:

Continuing up the mountain, trying to find that castle, I stumbled upon the remnants of the Olympics, I didn’t take a picture of the stadium because it didn’t really seem all that interesting, but here are some things from the (96?) Olympics that I remember from TV that I now have seen in real life.

Found all kinds of interesting stuff, but the castle was eluding me, until I found the one side road that seemed to go up the way that I wanted to go. Following the road, I noticed a footpath that lead off over a hill on the left. My logic being that a footpath is meant to be walked on, I followed it and guess what I found over that hill…

Yup…that would be Barcelona Harbor and the Mediterranean Sea. A heck of a thing to stumble upon.

The trail ended and I backtracked to the road that was supposed to lead to the castle, but at this point I was getting tired of going up hill. Finally I found it:

Castell De Montjuic

Not so much a castle as much as a fortress looking over the sea facing the southeast. The Castell De Mantjuic was built in 1799 and is now pretty much a very pretty running path:

Making my way down the mountain I got some great views of the city…

…and I found a nice little backway down.

…there’s more to come, but that will do for now.


Al said...

WOW. what an awesome blog, love. it sounds like you had an amazing, unexpected, perfect walk. :)

Justin March said...

Get ready for part two...

Anonymous said...

I knew I always wanted to go to Spain.

Not counting Lay-overs.