Seemed a peculiar thing to see and it also made me remember the Palestinian protest I had seen the other day, also made me think about what another member of the group was talking about: he had seen a neo-nazi protest. Not to mention that if you have walked past the Louvre any day since we've been here you would see cops in the meanest looking Riot Gear you can imagine (like, they could have beat up Robo-Cop).
Turns out that Shimon Peres is in town.,7340,L-3517500,00.html
That explains so much, especially the protest...if Sarkozy is proclaiming so much love for Israel. I wish everyone could just chill out, in fact I had no idea that there was even any thought about Israel in France (other than the idea that it's world news). I thought it was just MY president.
What? they gave him the Legion of Honor just for showing up? They knew he wasn't invading right? Thats like us giving Tony Blair the Medal of Honor for making the trip to D.C. Ridiculous!! That should definetly be one for your pal Bill Oreilly.
What do I care what they do with their medals?
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